Sunday 18 August 2019

The False Prince 01 - The Birth of Dreams

"You will one day be as amazing as us~!"

 This is the story of a young man.

 Born in a family unlike any other, a large family of nobles and kings, those who lives in a big castle, and are praised for their majestic pride.

 He was born amongst them, and without any pause, everyone in the family sees the newborn child with pride, expectations, and love. The new son of the king and the queen, the new young brother to numerous princes and princesses. The entire kingdom was overjoyed.

 Three years after his birth, he had gotten used to living as the child of the kingdom. Every day he lives in fame and wealth, with every people passing by seeing him with glitter and awe.

 At first, he sees this kind of treatment as the norm for everyone in the world, that everyone lives in a kingdom of their own, with people who praises and pampers them every day. He simply smiles, enjoying his special life innocently, accepting things as they come and go.

 It was until three more years until the truth was revealed. The prince is now six years old, and he is ready to set out into the land outside his kingdom, to see for himself the truth of his world.

 Of course, he was surprised. He was the only child with an outfit as grandeur as the one he wore. The peasants around the commoner sites are also that way. They are much, much more different compared to the people inside the kingdom.

 And one question kept rushing through his mind: "Why are they different?"

 The difference was obvious, the clothes, the behaviours, the reception, the treatment. He is starting to think that it's the other way around; that he was the different one in the world.

 Thus his parents, the king and the queen, rubbed his tiny head. They smiled at the curious child, and told him that he is indeed different. He's special, a child that came from the king and queen's wishes.

 He was meant to be amazing.
 And they raise him amazingly.
 They believe in him, that one day...
 He will be someone as amazing as them.

 The sun shines, the podium rises, the eyes of the prince sparkles. For the first time, he felt like he had a purpose. He felt that he finally understood why he was born.

 To be a king, a successor of his father. That very image has turned into his dream, that he will sit in a throne just like his parents does everyday, that everyone will bow to him whenever he asks them to.

 For the first time, the prince is filled with ambition. His face beaming with awe, his eyes sparkling at the expectations of his future. They told him that he will be as amazing as them, and now, he believed that he definitely will be so.

 Thus the prince, now wanting to be a magnificent king, sets out to the world. And so he moves, along with the passage of time.

The False Prince Chapter 01 End
To be Continued

Saturday 17 August 2019

The "Magician Card"

 You may have been reading the previous posts and thought to yourself:

 "Why does he keep calling himself a magician? Isn't he just a writer? Can he even do magic tricks?"

 It's a pretty understandable question, really. And if you are one amongst the rarities that have read the previous posts and understood why I referred to myself as a Magician, I shall congratulate you, perhaps you're somewhat of a Magician yourself.

 But alas, I shall reveal to you the trick to my claim.

 First things first, let me introduce you to this card. You may know what this card implies already, or you don't have any idea whatsoever. This card is a tarot card used in fortune readings, and this one is the second card that appears in the Major Arcana Deck system: No.1 - The Magician Arcana.

 And before I explain the symbolism of this card, I shall explain the symbolism of the very first card in the Major Arcana Deck: No.0 - The Fool. The Fool is a person who sets out on a journey, not knowing where their path will lead them to, and never gave thought of what they want to be.

 The Fool represents you, me, and everybody during the time we were first born to this world. It could also represent us during our first days of school, work, or even travel to a foreign country. It's us when we had no idea what's in store for us. It's everytime there was a blank page in a book, seemingly empty, but could be written with any means of writing.

 So how about The Magician?

 The Magician is a person who holds everything, and are able to manifest anything. He learns many magical spells, and with all his spells, he brewed, mixed, and imbued those spells into his audience's mind.

 The Magician could be you when you were a child with many ambitions, or it could be you in a school, excited about the many friends you can make, or the numerous school clubs you've been thinking to join at.

 In oneself, The Magician is everyone when they were on the dreamer phase, able to create many, many ideas in their mind and likes to dream a lot about the possible futures that their ideas serves.

 And when someone have the personality of a Magician, they would implant those dreams into everyone. Spoke about it as if it is something that will come true, and are able to amaze others of their amazing ideas. Will it come true? Or is it just a mere pipe dream?

 Just like a magic trick, it's all up to you which to believe. The Magician, already knows the answer. In another person, The Magician could be your parents, your teacher, or your group leader. They gave you dreams and goals to achieve. They spoke highly of the many futures you can have, and they amaze you with the dreams they present unto you.

 But will what your parents, teachers, leaders told you truly come true? It's all up to you, they simply put the idea inside you. Whether you will make it come true, or will you simply likes to dream it to be true, The Magician's job is merely to give the dream, not realize it.

 That is what I am. A giver of dreams.

 I like to whisper successes to others, that they will be this and that. Just like my very explanation of a Magician in my very first post, I like to say things convincingly as if it will come true, utilizing the ability that I possessed. But, whether it's true or not, all depends on each person.

 "But you already know the real answer, right, Mr.Magician?"

 Indeed. Sometimes, I honestly believe their dreams will come true, and sometimes, I simply give them something to dream about. Sometimes, the people I influenced truly becomes what I expect them to be, and sometimes, they merely turn sad, disappointed of the false dreams in their mind.

 But I don't really mind. I'm just a Magician, I like to use my magical spells, be it to influence or manipulate. And don't worry, I still know the limits between what's right and wrong. I never manipulate people to absolute ruin, I can assure you that.

 And now, I am here to tell you of the many stories I have as a Magician. From when I was a small dreamless child, into who I was today.

 The Story of Truths and Lies.
 The Story of Smiles and Smirks.
 The Story of Reality and Fiction.

 The Story of a Magician, with the Magic of Words in their possession.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

The Magic of Words

 I am a Magician, but what kinds of magic do I execute? If you are here to learn about card tricks, pigeon-summoning, or sawing anyone into half inside a box, then you may have disappointed yourself.

 But that's the kinds of magic that I execute in my life: the ability to pop out a story, a way to explain my life or any others in the most extreme way possible. Using fact and fiction, I connect the boundaries between what's true and what's false, in order to improve the reality of a certain situation.

 You may have guessed it by this point. Yes, my wordplay. My creative mind, my ideas, those are the magic tricks I did on a daily basis. I am a man with a thousand mask; an idea-man, a con-man, a charismatic leader, or a manipulative slave.

 To me, this ability that have been granted upon me is both a blessing and a curse. I have seen, learnt, understood, and did many things. Some good, some bad; some virtuous, some sinful. My wordplay have made me meet many people that are grateful towards me, and my wordplay have made many people disappointed at me.

 But all of these, they are not coincidences.

 The truths and lies that I have made, all of them are magic tricks that I have purposedly caused upon others, all for the sake to make things more interesting. To cause drama, and to make people feel the impact of the dramatic events that I have caused.

 Telling white lies to relieve, telling black truths to shock. Telling black lies to manipulate, telling white truths to convince. I color my words so as to not make a story monotone.

 Are you starting to question my stance? Am I a good person, or am I a bad person? No, I never really attack people for my personal benefit, I never touch people personally if it ever hurts them in the process. I am merely a Magician of Stories, nothing more, and nothing less.

 For now, I simply made a story more amazing for you, me, and everyone to read, and that is all I have ever wanted, to amaze people with my stories. Why?

 Because I am a Magician blessed with the curse of words, and manifesting stories for me and the people around me to read and execute, nothing pleases me more than that.

 Care to listen to more magical stories with me?

I am a Magician...

 What was the first thought that comes to your mind if I said such a thing out of the blue? Will you believe me? Or will you not believe me?

 Yes, those are the ultimate question that we have all heard pretty often. Questions like such are, to us Magicians, a very normal set of words that we have all gotten used to.

 "Are your magic tricks real?"
 "What's the secret?"
 "There's no way that's real magic!"

 And thus, the game is afoot. The audience will try to find the truth hidden behind the magic tricks, all while the other party, the Magicians, tries their best to explain it in a way that they desire it to be explained.

 And when the ideas are planted to the audience's minds, there are one more trick that us Magicians will set up to give them even more questions:

 "I wonder now, will you finally believe that it's real? Or are you still skeptical? No matter which is the truth, the answer to that lies within you."

 And we speak the truth. Whether or not the audience believes in our magic, or whether they figured out a logical answer behind our tricks, we don't really quite mind.

 That is what being a Magician is all about. To show people ideas, and to make people question the truth behind those ideas. Will they simply believe, will they simply walk away believing there is a trick to it, or will they make an effort to find the ultimate truth, brimming with curiosity?

 And to me, such a story happens too often. A cycle of beliefs and doubts, in which everything that I do always sounds like a magic trick, and the people around me always asked these questions to me:

 "Are you for real?"
 "How do I know you're not lying?"
 "Do you have proof?"

 Do you see now what I am trying to convey? Yes, maybe I lied about being a Magician, or maybe I speak the truth. But which is the truth, nobody knows.

 Okay, maybe this time, I'll let you in on a freebie truth:

 "No, of course I'm not a Magician. It's just a figure of speech!"

 There you go. The 100% honest truth! Or is it? Believe it or not, you have already fallen for my magic trick, I have planted one idea inside you: An idea that I am a Magician.

 It's that simple to be a Magician, the giver of ideas and possibilities, the manipulator of truths and lies, the beholder between reality and fiction. And as a Magician, we enjoy playing with both sides too much that people eventually starts getting skeptical at us.

 But we are not really complaining, because that is what we are as a human. We speak lies as much as we speak honesty, we believe something to be true as much as we refuse to believe at other things. We approve, and we disprove.

 You, me, and everyone else, we are all a Magician in many, many ways. So, my fellow Magicians, care to see the magical wonders that I have provided for you to question today?